At Creative Works, we believe in creating a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment for all attendees. We take our responsibility to maintain this environment seriously, and expect all attendees, speakers, workshop leaders, vendors, sponsors, volunteers, and organizers to adhere to this code of conduct.
Harassment, discrimination, or any other form of disrespectful or offensive behavior will not be tolerated at any Creative Works event. This includes behavior related to someone's gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, appearance, physical ability, race, ethnicity, religion, or personal space.
If you witness or experience any form of harassment or discrimination, please report it to any event staff in person or reach out to Josh Horton, Creative Works CEO, at 901-496-5789 or josh@creativeworks.co. All reports will be taken seriously, handled with discretion, and addressed promptly.
Creative Works reserves the right to expel any participant who violates this code of conduct from the event without refund and prohibit them from attending any future Creative Works events.